
20-21 APRIL, 2019

Thapar Institute of Engg & tech, Patiala

Hackathon Timeline

  • DAY-1

  • Registration

  • Inauguration

  • Hack Start

  • Internal Checkpoint

  • Lunch

  • Checkpoint-1

  • Snacks

  • Dinner

  • Checkpoint-2

  • DAY-2

  • Midnight Snacks

  • Midnight Fillers

  • Checkpoint-3

  • Breakfast

  • Hack Ends

  • Pitching Starts

  • Prize Distribution + Closing Ceremony

Grab the Opportunities

In this hackathon, we have invited some of the most prominent companies for you to pitch your ideas. Receive feedback from the top leaders of the technical world!

Perfect you Skills

To improve your development skills whats better than a HACKATHON! So here we are, providing you, with the best of the oppurtunity to upgrade your skills to a next level.

Get your hands on latest tech

Hacktiet partners give you their problem statements and as a techsavvy developer,this id something you really can't miss.

Take up challenges that really matter

We create challenges in collabaration with startups and organisation. Your solution could help to pave way for better future

Collabrate under pressure

It may not sound like a selling point but experiancing the pressure of having to come together with people you don't know and create something new entirely new in a very short sapce of time can be hugely rewarding

0 Teams
0 Hackers
0 Hours
0 Pitches

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